Gil Tayar

Gil Tayar

Software architect

Natural Intelligence

From the olden days of DOS, to the stratospheric architectures of Wix, Gil was, is, and always will be, a software developer.

Currently a software architect at Natural Intelligence, he has in the past co-founded WebCollage, survived the bubble collapse of 2000, and worked on various big cloudy projects.

He still doesn't know whether static languages or dynamic languages are the best.

Presentations by Gil Tayar:

  • DevconTLV X Conference, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 17:00

    You want to start exploring microservices. You heard that it’s so wonderful! That there’s always a before microservices, and an after microservices. That things are never the same afterwards. And yet you are afraid. It seems so simple, and yet you are absolutely sure that while you have the facts straight, there are things people aren’t telling you about doing microservices.

    But who can you ask? Everybody you ask is giving you that sly, smug face, smiling fatuously, and dismissing you with a snide remark.

    I am here to give you those soft things that people won’t tell you. That without these things, microservices won’t be as… enjoyable as they can be. Remember, Micro-services are great, but without the following things there can be no micro-services:

    * Testing & automated builds
    * Automated deployments
    * Common runtime infrastructure
    * Independent teams oriented around micro-services

    Don’t worry - I will guide you through these concepts to ensure that when you do...microservices, you will enjoy them to the fullest extent.

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