Steven Pousty

Steven Pousty

Lead Developer Advocate OpenShift Online

Red Hat

Presentations by Steven Pousty:

  • DevconTLV X Conference, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 15:30

    The last few decades have brought about a dramatic transformation in both hardware and software development. Changes to one drive changes to the other, all with the aim of moving away from monolithic applications deployed on huge custom machines to agile, infinitely scalable services deployed on high-performance, cost-effective, software-defined networks and infrastructure.

    This talk will share some of the history that has led to this point, and offer insights on how these new systems can help you shape your own ops and developer evolution from traditional data center virtualization to hybrid cloud models, microservices architectures and beyond. I will also be talking about a new way for us to think about what “best architecture” or “best solution” means.

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