The Road to a Hybrid, Transparent Delivery Pipeline

DevconTLV X Conference, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 16:00

Modern software delivery landscape is not easy to navigate. So many great OSS projects, plenty of buzz around new and exciting online services. The amount of choices and combinations is overwhelming to say the least.

This talk is for the people who make these decisions - the ones choosing the tools and connecting the wires. Build engineers, release managers, devops practitioners.

This will be an in depth discussion on how to build a hybrid, transparent and flexible delivery pipeline integrating on-premises and PAAS/SAAS infrastructure components for maximum efficiency and developer productivity. A live demo of a proposed solution will be presented.

I've been building and delivering software for the last 15 years. I've helped establish Continuous Delivery and DevOps practices in various enterprise and startup companies and I love speaking about this stuff.

A firm believer in Continuous Improvement and organisational transparency.

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