The World Outside - The Blind Spot of TDD

DevconTLV X Conference, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 15:30

A lot has been said about how TDD (Test-Driven Development) is great for building up a developer’s confidence when changing code. However, TDD has its blind spots. By definition, you can't test what you didn’t develop, i.e. other systems you integrate with.

In this talk, I'll demonstrate how despite of using TDD, a simple code change was the cause of failure in other systems. I'll explain why this happens and what you can do to minimize intersystem communication failure.

Amit Anafy

Amit Anafy

Server side developer


Amit loves bullet proof code (and puppies :]).

She has been building automation infrastructure since 2008 and nowadays is trying to tame the TDD beast as a server side developer at Wix.

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